Sunday, December 19, 2010

Minot Christmas

Here we all are at the 5th OSS Christmas Party last night! We had a great time and won a Flip Video Camera, which we used to record our gift opening today!

We opened gifts as a family today because we are heading out on Tuesday morning for our Christmas travels! Anderson and Callie got a lot of great presents and we had a great time opening them together!

Look at all these presents!!!

We look forward to seeing many of you in the next couple of weeks! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

I love Anderson's left arm in this picture, propped up and totally chill.

Callie on her side! Both kiddos are getting really good at rolling onto their side.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

4 Months!

Here we are at 4 months (and 2 blog posts in one day!) There are 2 things I must update you on!
1. Anderson had his first real laugh on December 7 at home!
2. Callie had her first real laugh on December 12 in the Atlanta airport!
What an amazing and beautiful sound! We look forward to hearing more laughing in the future!

We're big on chewing/sucking on our fingers and fists!

1st Plane Ride and a Scott Wedding

Last Wednesday we headed out to South Carolina for Benjamin and Maribeth's wedding. We had 12 hours of travel, 3 flights and I was terrified about the trip! The kids did awesome though! On the way out they were perfect! We couldn't have asked for better travel buddies. The way home was a little more challenging but overall they still did well! Here are a few of our favorite pictures from the weekend!

Anderson on his 1st plane ride!

Callie on her 1st plane ride!

Handsome as ever, before the rehearsal dinner.

At the rehearsal dinner.

Daddy and his little girl! (My new favorite picture of them!)

Big boy sitting in the pew by himself! He was hot so we had to take his socks off!

Our clan!

The whole Scott family! Congrats Benjamin and Maribeth!

Relaxing with Granny after the wedding festivities were complete.

Playing with PopPop!

Monday, December 6, 2010

St. Nick and Santa Claus

Sunday we went and had our picture taken with Santa Claus! We didn't smile but we didn't cry, so we call that a huge success! Aren't they precious!?!

Last night we put our shoes out for St. Nick. He left us each a new dollar coin!

A few videos from the past week:)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving and Baptism

This past weekend was sure a busy one-Thanksgiving and Baptism. We were able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and totally enjoyed having a relaxed day in our home-yummy food included. My parents, David's parents, Josh and Brenda, and Sarabeth were able to make it to Anderson and Callie's Baptism! What a special time it was for all of us!

Anderson is takin' it easy with Sarabeth!

Anderson can't wait to do cool things with Uncle Josh!

Callie with Granny Scott.

Callie playing with Uncle Josh, she was showing off for him and Brenda!

Anderson with Godfather Josh and Godmother Sarabeth.

Callie with Godmother Brenda. (Godfather Benjamin was unable to make it.)

Getting into the Baptism gowns.

Anderson wore the gown that David wore, which was his grandpas from 1904!

Callie wore my great grandfather's gown, which was also worn by my brother Josh.

Callie hanging her first ornament.

Anderson hanging his first ornament.
Story time with Dad after baths-yay for Christmas books!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Videos, Videos, Videos!!!

Well, I finally figured out what my problem was with the video I was shooting...I was shooting in too high a resolution! I took a number of videos this past week to try and make up for the others I can't post! And boy were there some good ones! These videos are amazing to me as I watch them because they show just how big the kids are getting! Even though I see them everyday, it's still so hard to believe how fast they grow up!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

3 Months

*November 13-Anderson and Callie are 3 months! Where has the time gone!?! Here are our monthly pictures, just look at how big they are getting!

*November 11-13-Melissa, my friend from high school, spent the weekend with us and the kids totally enjoyed her! And I enjoyed a little girl time out with her!

*Callie is now sleeping through the night! Yippee! Anderson has been waking up once during the night for the past week or so. Seems he needs a midnight snack-we just can't keep him full

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Greats

*November 2-Anderson started sleeping through the night! Yippee!
*November 4-6-Great Aunt Nancy drove Great Grandma and Grandpa to Texas this year. They took an unusual route-Southern Minnesota to Minot to Southern Texas! Great Grandma and Grandpa had to see the great grandbabies one more time before they headed south for the winter and Great Aunt Nancy was kind enough to add the 2 extra days to her drive! Her bonus was meeting Callie and Anderson!

*November 7-Anderson moved to size 2 diapers. Callie moved to size 1 diapers. Both kiddos use cloth/reusable diapers during the day at home.