Yesterday was a bit of a stressful day. It was about 1:45 in the afternoon when I started having a terrible pain under my belly. It was constant but the intensity would increase at times. So for the last hour of school I went between the teacher's lounge and the restroom trying to get rid of the pain. Nothing helped. Once the kids left I went into the classroom and laid down on the floor. My student teacher was pretty worried and really encouraged me to call the doctor. So I did. I was unable to reach him or the nurse so I left a message and left school. The drive home (all of 4 miles) was terrible! I made it home, went to the bathroom and curled up on the bed. Then the nurse called me back and told me to come in to clinic. So I drove there (about 2 miles), trying not to freak out and totally scared because David was flying and I couldn't talk to him-he's always so reassuring and it's just better when he's with me!
At the clinic they asked me some questions and did a urine sample. Then the doctor came in. While he was asking questions Nurse Candy found the heartbeats:), measured me, and used a catheter to collect another urine sample-that one hurt! The doctor then did a physical exam and told me he could feel a head! He said based on all the tests and his exam everything seemed to be ok (no pre-clampsia) but that he was going to send me over the hospital to have an ultrasound done to make sure there wasn't a tear in the placenta, contractions, and so on.
The ultrasound went well. The tech found nothing unusual or concerning and confirmed that we still had a boy and a girl who were doing fine. She called Dr. Fischbach and he requested she do a trans vaginal ultrasound to check the cervix-everything looked good. What they did find though is that both babies had their heads together (they were spooning) and their heads were very low in my pelvis. The doctor said that is what was most likely causing that pain since everything else looked good. He told me to do home put a few pillows under my bum to try and move the babies. He also told me I needed to be on bed rest through Friday (only one day) and to take it really easy through the weekend.
The pain improved through out last night and I don't really notice it today. Just knowing that the babies were ok was enough motivation for me to "push" though the pain! I'll talk with him on Monday about how the weekend went. Hopefully, I'll still have the ok to travel! Our next appointment is on the 10th of May and we'll have another test done at that time to check for pre-term labor.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
21 Weeks
21 weeks feels great! I can hardly tell I'm pregnant! Well, besides the belly! We had a great weekend and here's a funny little tidbit from our weekend. Friday night at Target in Bismarck we meet a mom of twins, who are now 1 year-a boy and a girl. Saturday we went to a garage sale that was being beld by a mom of twins, who are 8 years old-a boy and a girl. And on Sunday at church we meet a family with twins, who are 3 months old-a boy and a girl! Is God awesome or what!?! It's amazing to think that we just "ran" into all these boy/girl twin families! It makes me even more excited to meet others!

Saturday, April 24, 2010
The "New Truck"
With twins on the way David's awesome white truck no longer works. The car seats just don't fit in the back. So being the awesome man that he is, he (we) traded his truck in for the "eX", as we affectionately call it. It's a Ford Expedition EL so it's as big a Suburban. We picked it up last night in Bismarck and so far we love it! We'll see how I feel when I try park it!
We have a lot of good memories in this truck! Including our first date, driving to South Carolina, moving to Minot, camping, a trip to Glacier and Yellowstone and many, many, many more!
David cleaning out his truck.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
And We're Having...
Today we had our ultrasound to check on the babies and to find out their genders! The appointment went really well. Both babies appear to developing correctly and right on track. It was so awesome to see their heart chambers, spines, faces, arms, legs, stomachs,! And of course the gender parts! We are having a girl and a boy!
Our baby girl weighs 11 oz, is at 20 weeks, has a heartbeat of 154, and a "Scott Head" measuring 16.56 cm around her head.
The appointment itself lasted 1 hr 15 min and the technician explained everything to us in detail
Our baby girl weighs 11 oz, is at 20 weeks, has a heartbeat of 154, and a "Scott Head" measuring 16.56 cm around her head.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I'm so excited to announce that I will be attending Ellen's Mother Day Show, where she gives out lots and lots of free stuff to all the members of the audience who are all first-time expectant mothers!
The story starts about 2 weeks ago when my friend Maria sent Kerry (another friend) and myself a link to register for tickets to the show. Both Kerry and I filled out the questionnaire and sent them in online. The next day Kerry received a phone call from the Ellen Show! They told her she had been selected to be a member of the audience! They asked her if she had any friends who were also expecting for the first time and she told them about me and how I had applied too! They told her that they would send her two tickets-one for herself and for me! Later that night I received a phone call from the Ellen Show and they told me that they would be mailing my ticket to me and Kerry's ticket to her. So we were in! I recieved permission from my doctor to fly-now to figure out work...I didn't have any personal days left so my principal gave me permission to take two deduct days. So far so good. I then talked with my student teacher's supervisor to get the ok from her since I would be missing the last two days of her student teaching experience. She gave me thumbs up!
So mom and I booked our tickets to LA! Mom will not be attending the show but we are going to spend a few days on vacation together after the taping. A few days ago I received an email from the show with another survey to fill out. I had to answer 8 questions and attach a picture of myself. When I emailed everything back to the show I asked them what would happen if I didn't receive my ticket in the mail before I had to leave. They told me that all I would need to do is call them and tell them I hadn't received it and then they would email it to me. I was a little nervous about that seeing as somethings that are mailed to us take a day, others a month, and some never show up!
The taping is on Thursday, May 6 and the show airs Friday, May 7! So tune in and see if you can spot us in the audience! Below is the picture I sent in with my survey.
I Made These!
Monday, April 12, 2010
19 Weeks
Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Cribs and Changing Table
Monday, April 5, 2010
Beginning Week 18
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