This past weekend was sure a busy one-Thanksgiving and Baptism. We were able to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and totally enjoyed having a relaxed day in our home-yummy food included. My parents, David's parents, Josh and Brenda, and Sarabeth were able to make it to Anderson and Callie's Baptism! What a special time it was for all of us!

Anderson is takin' it easy with Sarabeth!

Anderson can't wait to do cool things with Uncle Josh!

Callie with Granny Scott.

Callie playing with Uncle Josh, she was showing off for him and Brenda!

Anderson with Godfather Josh and Godmother Sarabeth.

Callie with Godmother Brenda. (Godfather Benjamin was unable to make it.)

Getting into the Baptism gowns.

Anderson wore the gown that David wore, which was his grandpas from 1904!

Callie wore my great grandfather's gown, which was also worn by my brother Josh.

Callie hanging her first ornament.

Anderson hanging his first ornament.
Story time with Dad after baths-yay for Christmas books!