Monday, May 23, 2011

Fargo Half Marathon

This past weekend we went to Fargo to run a half marathon. Grandma and Grandpa met us there so they could watch the kids while we ran. The race went well and we had a good time the rest of the weekend.

*The kids had their first babysitter on May 19.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Weighing In

Yesterday Callie and Anderson had their 9 Month check and everything is looking great! Here are the stats:

Callie is weighing 14 lbs, which is in the 0% and measuring 25 1/4 inches, which is also in the 0%. The doctor is not worried about her being so small since she was born small, is gaining weight and eating well.

Anderson is weighing 18 lbs 13 oz, which is in the 25% and measuring 28 1/2 inches which is in the 65%.

*Anderson is army crawling-May 16.
*Callie is crawling backwards-May 17.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

9 Months! (Yesterday)

9 Months!! Wow!!! Well, as you can see from the pictures the kids are active! It is nearly impossible to get a picture of the two of them together! You can see some of the best here. We celebrated 9 months by giving Anderson and Callie their 1st rice puffs! They had a good time with them and by the 4th or 5th they were really getting the hang of grabbing it and getting it into their mouth!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

What a wonderful first Mother's Day! It all started when the kids woke up nice and early for David at 6am! I crawled out of bed at 7am! We hung out at home, went to lunch and on our first trip to the zoo! David got me my Topsy Turvy Hanging Strawberry Garden and even planted it for me! And I got my stackable birthstone rings for each of the kids! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, son, and daughter! And let's not forget my amazing mom, grandma and mother-in-law on this special day!

Hanging out in our pjs, ready to open cards and presents.

Like Mother, Like Daughter!

Reading Callie's card and opening her gift-a bilingual board book.

Anderson's card and gift, a ring of touch and feel stroller cards.

The kids didn't want to hang out in their seats during lunch so we spread them out on the floor behind our table-and Callie got up on all 4 fours (with her tummy up)! Watch out crawling is soon to come!

At brunch:)

Look at my handsome boys!!!

And my beautiful girl!

At the lions with Daddy

Penguins with Mom

David's pretty talented-holding both kiddos up!

Had to get a picture of Callie with the giraffe since she's in her giraffe outfit!

The kids had a good time at the zoo and totally loved playing with their toes while we walked around!

First Trip to the Zoo from Angela Scott on Vimeo.

*Anderson said Mama on May 5!
*Callie said Dada on May 8!
*Anderson and Callie are getting up on all 4s!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Granny Scott Visit

Granny Scott came to visit this past weekend! Thursday was beautiful and we were able to go for a walk outside, by Saturday we were in a blizzard warning and freezing! None the less, we had a great time on her visit!