Friday, July 15, 2011

11 Months

Yesterday the kids turned 11 months! I can hardly believe that in a month they will be a year old! As we do every month here are their pictures from David's shirt and the couch.

Yes, I'm now that mom who puts Baby Einstein on the tv so that my kids will sit still long enough to have a picture taken!

And Dad has walked in the door...

are those smiles for him precious or what!?!

*Anderson crawled through the tunnel on July 9!
*July 10-Callie is walking along furniture!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th Of July

We spent our 4th of July in Medora with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Josh and Aunt Brenda (Oh and we can't forget Gauge and Trigger-our 4 legged cousins!) We had a blast! David and Josh had an intense rock throwing contest across the river, we off-roaded on a short hike, we saw buffalo, we went horse back-riding (the kiddos stayed with Grandpa and Auntie), had a water gun fight (because we found out the pool was closed after we were ready to go swimming), went to our first parade and bought of first pair of moccasins!

Everyone in Theodore Roosevelt Nation Park

Off Roading!

Yes, Callie is in there!

Great hair during the water gun fight!

Smiling after dumping a glass of water on herself!

Sibling Love!

At Pitchfork Fondue-Beautiful View

With Grandpa and Grandma

Enjoying water from a straw!

Happy 4th Everyone!

1st Water Gun Fight from Angela Scott on Vimeo.

*Anderson is pulling himself up to standing-June 25.