Thursday, May 30, 2013


We spent Memorial Day weekend in Memphis with the Godinez family!  We had so much fun!  We rented what we thought was a 2 bedroom hotel room, which it was, but it didn't have closing doors so it was more of a loft/studio!  I think we were all a little nervous about how that would go with 5 kids but it was fine!  And we still like each other after 3 1/2 days!  I won't give all the details but we ate at the Commissary, visited the zoo where we had ice cream for lunch, went to the Memphis in May outdoor symphony where the kids pulled out some great dance moves and we saw fireworks, went to the Peabody to watch the ducks, visited the children's museum, had burgers and live music at Huey's and walked Beale Street.  Until we do it again Nads family!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dinner on the Boat

Tonight we had out first dinner on the boat this season. We were able to get a little swimming in before we ate and...Callie pooped in the ice cream bucket (see picture with David) we have on board for potty needs and Anderson peed! So awesome for only being potty trained a few weeks! So excited for boat season!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Callie's 1st Hair Cut

Yesterday Callie got her first haircut and it went so much better than Liam's!  We went to the little town north of us to a lady who was recommended to us. She was awesome!  Callie did a great job of sitting still through her entire haircut and blow dry!  She looks like such a big girl now and her ponies are so full! The boys came along and behaved themselves while us girls were pampered!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last Day of 2 Year Old MDO

Liam's 1st Haircut

Today Liam got his first haircut!  Everything having to do with the haircut was less than desirable-the stylist,  the end result...I won't bore you with the sad details, if you notice even Liam is sad with his new haircut.  We're going to give it a few days and a few washes and cross our fingers that it gets better.  If not, a buzz cut may be in his near future.  I mean she buzz cut his "bangs!"  But no matter your look we love you Liam!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Potty Trained!!!

I've been hesitant to write this post but we are officially potty trained!  It has been almost 2 weeks!  We are totally fine during the day, even when we're out and about and at school!  Callie is pretty much staying dry at naps and bedtime too!  Anderson often wets durning nap and always at night.  I'm not too worried about mastering nights-that'll come with time.  It is so awesome to be diaper free (well, except for Liam!) just think of the money we're saving!  Here are the kiddos picking out their new undies at Target the weekend Grandma and Grandpa were here, which is when it all started...We had been reading potty books and nothing more hoping to spark some interest and I guess it did!  After picking Grandpa and Grandma up at the airport, we stopped for Chick Fil A and ate it at home.  During lunch Callie asked Grandpa to take her potty and after a few tries she went!  Well, then Anderson had to go to!  From then on it was undies at home and training pants out and about and at night-we're now down to undies at all times except at night! Way to go Callie and Anderson!  We're so proud of you!