Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Parent's Night

Last night we went to Parent's Night at Anderson and Callie's school.  They showed us the playground, their room and where they hang their backpacks.  They also gave us an example of the work they do each day at circle time and at the table.  At the end we enjoyed a snack-ham roll-ups-that they made for us.  Liam stayed home with our fabulous friend, Laura.
Our Invites
Letter Names and Sounds
Callie's Center
Match the Colors

Anderson's Center
Find the one that's different
Getting our project directions
Finished lanterns

Saturday, September 21, 2013

MN Professional Family Photos

While we were home this summer Grandma arranged for family photos to be taken. They went really well and were totally enjoyable! We had them done in their backyard so there was no stress! Here are my favorites!
The Whole Gang
Love the look between Anderson and George!
Miss Photogenic
Love birds! Married 34 Years!
Boys vs Girl

Friday, September 20, 2013


Callie asked me to take a picture of her working on her lacing cards.  Who could resist this cutie!
We now swim in the lake on our own!
Reading in the hammock after dinner, a new love.

A Walker!

We have a walker!  Liam officially started walking last weekend!  Yes, it has taken me a week to post and to top it off I can't post any videos!  Blogger isn't allowing me to upload and Vimeo is saying my clips are too small!  None the less, Liam is walking and we are so proud!  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Liam's 15 Month Check

Liam's 15 month check went great!  He's on track and right where he needs to be.  Here are his stats:

Weight: 27lbs10oz=81%
Height: 33inches=93%
Head: 49cm=91%

I'd love to write what Liam's into here but there's really only one word I need to write: DADDY!  The kid is obsessed with Daddy.  He sits and looks out the playroom window pointing and saying "Daddy" (he can see David come and go from here) all day!  And when he finally spots Daddy his "Daddy" changes to sheer excitement!  All this boy wants is his Daddy!  At church nursery pick up on Sunday they told David he called for Daddy the whole time, unless he was eating.  At MOPS pick up on Monday they said he called and pointed for Daddy anytime he went by a window (he was being pushed around in a stroller with a few other discontent kids and would only allow girls to sit by him or he would throw a fit!)  One of the ladies there said she asked him if he wanted Mommy one of the times he was asking for Daddy and she said he shook his head no!  So there you have it-Liam clearly has a favorite parent and it's not me.  No worries buddy I still love you like crazy!  

Callie's 1st Ballet Dance Class

Callie was asking all summer to take dance class and no, this wasn't me prompting her! Of course given my love for dance I was ecstatic at her interest!  After a little convincing David agreed to sign her up!  She attends once a week for 40 minutes with 8 other little ballerinas.  She did an amazing job at her first class and I can't wait to watch her grow this year!  Are those little tiny ballet shoes to die for or what!?!
Can hardly wait to get in!
Notice her freckles!?
1st Bun!  She looks so grown up, in David's words "I'm not ready."
Waiting inside the studio

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Run or Dye

Saturday we ran a 5k race called Run or Dye.  Every kilometer they threw a powdered dye on us so at the end we were "dyed."  You are also given an extra dye packet in your race bag which the kids had a blast throwing and rubbing on each other!  Through out the entire race women (and a few guys) could be heard yelling various comments at David!  They ranged from-Now that's hot! to He's Super Dad! to He's pushing triplets! to Well, now I feel bad walking when he's running with three! to Go you! to You Rock! to Now that's dedication! and on and on and on.  Totally awesome for him but I was like doesn't anyone see the woman who birthed these "triplets" struggling to keep up behind him?! We had great time despite the crazy heat!  However, we don't know if we'll be back as a family next year-the clean up was horrible!

Soccer Practice

Anderson and Callie have started Soccer Shots after school on Thursdays. They had a trial session and have had one "official" practice, which is pictured below.  They are working on control position, dribbling and scoring goals.  So far they love it and that excites David!