Today we had our first BPP, which stands for Bio Physical Profile. During the BPP each baby has 30 minutes to "perform" various tasks and receives points for doing so. Everything is monitored using the ultrasound machine. The areas checked are 30 seconds of uninterrupted breathing, 1 flexation (can be the hands, feet, fingers, toes...), 3 movements (kicks, turns...), and a reading of the cord blood to make sure that it is flowing correctly. I believe that's all, if I forgot something I'll be sure to add it later. We will be having BPPs once a week until the end of our pregnancy.
Today she (Twin A) did not complete the breathing section but after talking with the doctor we were given the ok, since at 28 weeks babies are just starting to practice their breathing. We did see her take breaths, just not for 30 seconds. She passed everything else. He (Twin B) passed all the tests! While the tech had the monitor on his face we could see him making movements with his mouth-like sucking! It was awesome! Both babies had the hiccups, which I have not felt on my own. I could feel his hiccups today though when she had the ultrasound wand pressing on him.
Below are face pictures the tech gave me. She's first (2 pitures) and it's a little difficult to make out her features because she was tucked in. Look for her eyes. He is second (2 pictures) and it's a little easier to see his features-eye, nose, and mouth!

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