As you can see Anderson is on the move! He is a champ at army crawling! It doesn't matter who or what is in the way! The other day I carried Callie into the kitchen to feed her and I yelled to Anderson "Crawl in here so you can eat lunch!" Then I turned around and there he was! I'm glad he's taking directions so well! Another of my favorite crawling stories happened today while I was in the kitchen making dinner. Anderson crawled into the dog bowl and tipped it over, pouring water all over himself and the floor. And given our flood situation it made me panic until I realized what had happened, then the two of us laughed and laughed:) Callie is not crawling as much as Anderson but she is a champ at pulling herself up on stuff! So the cribs have been lowered and nothing is left on coffee tables.

Anderson is now giving himself his sippy cup during their afternoon feeding. Since this picture was taken we started drinking our sippy cups in our high chairs! Callie is even drinking from hers! Yay!

The joys of self feeding have begun too! Callie is really quick with getting food into her mouth while Anderson tends to play a little more. Has anyone seen his puff?
Below are some of the beginning pictures from our basement flood:

The first wet vac we had going, pumping water directly down the drain.

Our guest room, once we were further into our fight we had 2 wet vacs going in this room.

When we gave up our fight (We started Monday at noon and "quit" Thursday at dinner. All the while having 5 wet vacs going and staying up around the clock to empty them.) this is what the dry wall looked like. It just crumbled as we chiseled off the bottom 2 inches to try and save the rest of it. Thank goodness we have great friends who helped us move everything into the garage.
Thursday our big kid car seats are getting installed! Anderson and Callie are growing up so fast! And each day is more and more fun!
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