Monday, January 30, 2012

Catching Up and Our First Trip to the Library

Here we go...
1. We are now boat owners! Callie and Anderson seem to love this idea! They love walking/crawling around the boat and when we've tried on life jackets they haven't protested! In fact, Anderson throws a fit every time he has to take his life jacket off! I hope this continues once we hit the water, hopefully in early March!
2.  Callie got herself stuck in her shopping cart before church on Sunday.  I have no idea how she did it and I had to scream to David (who was getting ready) across the house to come and help me get her out.  Now I will admit I did laugh a little bit because it was just so funny.
3.  Baby Brother got some new clothes of his own!  I'm sure he'll be wearing plenty of hand me downs but we had to get the little guy some new hot weather outfits for when he arrives!  And who could resist-look how cute they are!  And boy, is he a mover and a shaker!  Lots of movement coming from him and I love it!
4.  Today we went to our first story time at the library.  It went really well!  Everyone there was really welcoming and the kids did a great job of listening to 2 stories and making a ground hog-their first art project!  They each also checked out their first very own library book!  On the way home Anderson took apart his project and Callie took out her hair-got do something to stay busy on the ride, right?
5.  Anderson now gives me Eskimo kisses!
6.  Earlier this week Callie walked up the stairs using the wall for support!
7.  A couple videos of the kids playing one morning after breakfast-they just make me smile!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yes, We're Twins

I've been asked a lot lately if the kids are twins.  Yes, they are!  And here are a few pictures to prove it!  Sleeping the same, playing inside the toy bin...the list could go on but here's what I have pictures of:

Monday, January 23, 2012

And We're Having A...

Today we had our first appointment here in Louisiana and it went well.  First, we met with the ultrasound tech, which is when we found out we were having a sweet little boy!  Everything looks great and his heart was beating at 155.  He is currently weighing in at 11oz!  After that we met with our new doctor, Dr. Runnels.  She seemed very friendly and I think we will enjoy having her as a doctor.  The kids had mixed feelings on the baby news.  Anderson is excited to have a playmate and sidekick while Callie seems to be taking it a little tougher-we keep telling her this means she gets to stay the princess!

In other baby news: I can finally feel our kicking!  Friday (Jan. 20) was the first time I felt the baby.  I had been getting a little worried because I hadn't felt any movement and they say you feel it earlier with your 2nd pregnancy.  Anyways, I am so happy to feel that little angel move around!  David was able to feel our boy moving Saturday night!  Now for the movements to be big enough for the kids to notice!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Callie's 1st Potty on the Potty Chair!

Callie had her first potty on the potty chair this evening!  For the past week I've been putting the kids on the potty chair once a day.  Today before bath time David put Callie on the potty chair and she went!!!  David and Anderson cheered for her and yes, I missed it!  But that's ok!  We're proud to have such a big girl and we hope this continues!  Pictures had to wait until after bath time since she was naked so she does have her jammies on for the photos.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Unloading the Dishwasher and Matching Outfits

I normally don't dress the kids in matching outfits but today I couldn't resist!  They just looked so cute!  We met David for lunch on base today after meeting with an as needed daycare provider, which went well.  We'll be using her next Monday when we have an appointment with the doctor and find out the sex of baby #3!  Some of the new tricks up our sleeves:
*Callie has learned to blow in and out of one of the toy screws so that it makes a whistling sound.
*We now walk in and out of some places-lunch, church, MOPS...
*The coolest place in the house to be is on the dogs' new bed!
*Callie loves wearing my bras around her neck but won't show a picture of that;)
*Unloading the silverware from the dishwasher is a new fav!

Monday, January 9, 2012


We've made it to our new home!  Our journey started on Monday, December 26.  We left Andover with Grandma in tow and drove to Warrensburg, MO where we spent the night with some dear friends, Doug and Molly, that we met in Minot.  While there we got to meet their 3 month old baby Zach and boy is he a cutie!  Tuesday we drove to Little Rock, AR and spent the night at a nice hotel.  The hotel gave the dogs treats and tennis balls so they got a lot of running in.  The rest of us did some swimming.  Wednesday we arrived in Shreveport, LA.  David went into work right away while Grandma and the kids did errands with me.  Thursday morning we closed on our house and spent the rest of the day cleaning it.  Friday our household goods arrived (see wooden boxes below) and boy we realized we own a lot of stuff!  The rest of the weekend was spent unpacking and organizing with a few errands thrown in and a meal or two out.  Monday Grandma left and David got sick.  Then Callie got sick. Then I got sick.  So as you can guess not too much happened during the week.  By the weekend we were all feeling better.  We made it to a birthday party and managed to get a lot more unpacked.  All we have left is to unpack are a few odds and ends, organize the garage (good luck David!) and hang pictures!  I'm posting a picture of the house and a few of the kids new play area (half of our living room!) but I'm not quite ready to show the rest of the house, once it's totally done-give me a week or two!  The kids are loving their play area!  One of their favorite things to do it to sit in their chairs and play music while looking back and forth at each other!  Since the last post the kids have become even more helpful!  As you can see in the videos they now throw away their own diapers and put their clothes in the hamper.  This morning they even helped me unload the dishwasher!  Anderson and Dad are also working on somersaults!  As of today we are 18 weeks pregnant.  Other than my sick spell I'm feeling great and often forget that I'm pregnant now-what a great stage to be at.  I'm working at getting everything transferred and set-up down here with a new ob/gyn.  Hopefully, that is all taken care of soon-after all we can find out the sex of our little angel at the end of the month, that is if we get an appointment!