Monday, July 20, 2020

Fairfield Lake State Park

Monday morning I was able to find a last minute campsite for us for the weekend.  The park was a little over 2 hours northeast from our house and we had a good time!  We got almost 8 miles of trail riding in, lots of time at the lake where we floated, swam and caught crawfish.  The crawfish and everyone's accents made us feel like we were back in Louisiana.  Liam felt his Louisiana roots calling him and decided he need to keep one of the crawfish and eat it, so he did!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Dance Recital

As with everything this year we weren't sure if dance recital would happen.  After 2 cancelled competitions, which means we didn't go to any and a postponed recited we were so happy to hear that Callie would get to perform.  The recital was broken into smaller shows so there were fewer people in the auditorium and they skipped every 2 seats and required face masks.  Everything was done very nicely and we felt totally safe. Callie you did awesome and we love watching you dance!  

Saturday, July 4, 2020

4th of July

We filled our weekend with tie dying (which didn't turn out as I expected), playing games, watching National Treasure with a floor picnic, making homemade ice cream, and a campfire in our driveway with hotdogs and fireworks.  From our driveway we could see so many fireworks, so awesome!