Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a little different for us this year because David had to work-boo.  We went to early church and had an early dinner (only one of the two soups I made turned out-boo but my bread was amazing-yay!)  After David headed into the work the kids and I got into our jammies and played games while tracking Santa and eating snacks.  We had so much fun!  The only thing that could have made it better would have been to have David with us!  We finished off the nigh by watching a movie in my room and having a sleep over.
Dear Santa, I have been good. Here are some cookies I made for you and I have carrots for your reindeer.  Did you know that I watched the movie Prancer.  I like Prancer. By Callie 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

PopPop and Granny and School Christmas

PopPop and Granny came to visit us before Christmas!  It was a fully packed visit!  We took them to lunch at school, swim lessons, to kindergarten school parties, had Christmas together and went to Liam's Christmas program and cookie exchange! Whew!  Lots of fun! Can't wait for another visit! Hugs!