Friday, April 15, 2011

Excellent at Eight!

Here we are at 8 months! Everything continues to go well! The kids are doing a great job with eating! We've tried many, many different foods (all made by us!)-prunes, carrots, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, bananas, avocados, rutabagas, apples, pears, broccoli, and cauliflower! And they go crazy when we put cinnamon on their fruit! Hopefully, all of this means they won't be a picky eater like their mother! We went to the doctor on Monday, April 4. Anderson weighed 18lbs3oz and Callie weighed 13lbs4oz. Great growth for both of them!


  1. Cute!! Super sad I won't get to see them next weekend! Hope they have a wonderful time seeing the rest of the family!

  2. Getting soooo big! I can tell they're working on growing their hair too. AND, it looks awfully red :)

  3. Look at all that hair!! Can't wait yo see you all!!
