Saturday, February 13, 2010

10+ Weeks

My belly has begun to show! It's not huge but it's there! I've started to wear my maternity clothes-they're a little big but feel so much better than having my pants undone with buttons and zippers poking into me!

David has decided to make a change too! Here he is in his new "dad" haircut:) Notice the part;)


  1. Nice hair, David.

    Definitely a belly! Very cute. I was always relieved to make the switch to maternity pants. So much more comfortable. They were falling down a lot at first, but still worth it.

  2. HAHAHAHA!! Love the hair David!!! And that belly miss!!! Oh my goodness I LOVE IT!! I am gonna be really bummed if I don't see you through this pregnancy, so please keep posting pics!!! You look fantastic!!

  3. You look great! Get a belly band from Motherhood to help hold your maternity pants up. They saved my life those first few weeks before I really fit in my pants & they were great later when my shirts were getting too short. Corby likes David's hair but he doesn't think it's very "hillbilly-like". :)

  4. Nice hair David! Very dad like... Ange the belly is too cute!

  5. You're so cute, Ang! Love the bump! Very responsible looking, David! ;)
