Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

Today was my first appointment with our doctor since conceiving. It went really well and he said everything looks/sounds good! He answered all of my questions. (I think he was showing off for his intern!) The best part of the appointment was hearing the babies heartbeats! I got to hear both of them! One baby had a heartbeat of 172 and the other baby had a heartbeat of 164. It was a bummer David wasn't there but you know how life in the Air Force is! My appointment was followed by 7 tubes of blood taken in the lab-I think that's my record for the most at one time! Now it's another month until our next appointment.


  1. Awww the blood draws! No wonder you went to bed early tonight! ;) Wish in some way you could have recorded those heartbeats and posted them on here for us all to hear! So exciting!!

  2. Those blood draws are the pits, I agree. Were his answers to your questions what you were hoping they'd be?
