Thursday, March 11, 2010


David and I have gotten a little behind on our reading, so yesterday morning before we headed off to work we caught up. We were behind by 2-3 weeks! As we were reading week 14 it compared the babies to the size of a fist! Now that's something I can picture! So I clenched my fists and held them up to my belly and said "I have two of these in there! No wonder I have a belly!" I was (and still am) completely amazed at how big they have gotten! I spent yesterday and today walking around clenching and unclenching my fists. All I can think is wow! I can't believe these two little miracles are growing in me!


  1. I love that!!!! I always really enjoyed being able to visualize something like that. I know it's early, but since there are two...can you feel anyone moving yet?

  2. Angela~

    I love the fact that you are pregnant with twins! If anyone is up for this challenge it is you and David! I love reading about this journey of yours. It gets me really excited for when Andrew and I get to have a journey together like this~ Love you girl! Wish I was a bit closer to ya!!!

  3. Missy, I haven't felt any movement-unless I'm mistaking movement for gas:)
