Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Funny Things My Students Have Said

Ever since telling my students I was expecting twins they have said some pretty funny things. I thought it was time I shared some...

After telling my students I was pregnant...
*"Mrs. Scott, you better dress warm and keep those babies warm." -A Twin in my Class on the Way to Recess
*"I have ___ babies in my tummy." Said by students while wearing their backpacks on their bellies at the end of the day.
*"I felt the babies kick!" -A Boy when I was about 12 Weeks Pregnant

After telling my students I was going to the doctor...
*"Are they going to cut you open to look at the babies!?!" -A Boy in my Class

During Spring Break...
*"Mom, I'm so excited to go back to school! It's been 4 whole Days, Mrs. Scott's belly is going to be so huge!" Turns out he was disappointed that my belly wasn't bigger.-Told to me by Mom

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